About Radnorshire Fine Arts

My name is Clayton Sanders, and I have been dealing in Fine Art and Antiques since 1982. In 2007 I founded Radnorshire Fine Arts Ltd, a small, online gallery based in mid Wales. We offer a wide range of oil paintings, watercolours, drawings and prints from the 17th to the 20th century.
Art has been a way of life for me long before it became a business. My father Philip Sanders is an accomplished equestrian artist, and my late uncle, also Clayton, had been a successful commercial artist.
Most of my early years had been spent learning to appreciate the fine arts at my parent’s Antique shop at Faversham in Kent. This experience gave me the inspiration to enrol on a course in metalwork and engraving at the Medway College of Art and Design. When I left the College I gained employment in London as an apprentice, spending three years with the renowned hand engraver George Lukes. While working there I was fortunate to gain experience working on high quality objects mostly made from precious metals. These included trophies for important sporting events such as the Wimbledon Tennis Championships and the British Grand Prix; sometimes we would work on very unusual or elaborate items commissioned from famous London jewellers, such as Garrards, Cartier, and Asprey.
After 4 years of employment I decided to try something a little different and trade in Antiques, so I moved back to Kent, after a few years I realized that I had a particular passion for the pictorial arts. This passion has continued with me throughout my career and I feel fortunate to have been able to sustain a reasonable living from buying and selling works of art that interest me.
My wife Lesley works in the health service in Powys and my son Ben is a keen musician and works in the gaming industry in Manchester.