Adie, Edith Helena (1865-1947)
Aglio, Agostino (1777-1857)
Aldin, Cecil (1870-1935)
Alken, Henry Thomas (1785-1851)
Anderson, Stanley (1884-1966)
Archer, Frank (1912-1995)
Ardizzone, Edward (1900-1979)
Arms, John Taylor (American, 1887-1953)
Atkins, Samuel (fl. 1787-1808)
Austin, Robert Sargent (1895-1973)
Bagetti, Giuseppe Pietro (Italian / 1764-1831)
Bairnsfather, Bruce (1888-1959)
Bale, Edwin (1842-1923)
Barbosa, Artur Ernesto Teixeira (1908-1995)
Barker Kit, (1916-1988)
Barlow, Francis (ca.1626-1704)
Barrett, George Sr. (b.1728-32 – d.1784)
Barrow, Joseph Charles (active 1789-1804)
Bartlett, William Henry (1809-1854)
Bates, Denise (1928-2001)
Bawden, Edward (1903-1989)
Bax, Henry Bonham (1798-1869)
Baynes, Pauline Diana (1922-2008)
Beach, Ernest George (1865-1943)
Beauford, William Henry (1735-1819)
Benard, Jacques Renaud (1731-1794)
Bennett, William (1811-1871)
Benois, Nadia (1896-1975)
Bethel, Joan de (1923-2017)
Birch, Samuel John Lamorna (1869-1955)
Blake, William (1757-1827)
Bliss, Douglas Percy (1900-1984)
Boughton, George Henry (1833-1905)
Boys, Thomas Shotter (1803-1874)
Braby, Newton (b.1870)
Brickdale, Eleanor Fortescue (1871-1945)
Bridge, Elizabeth (1912-1996)
Bright, Harry (1846-1895)
Brill, Reginald (1902-1974)
Brockhurst, Gerald Leslie (1890-1978)
Brocktorff, Charles Frederick de (Danish, 1775-1850)
Browning, Amy Katherine (1882-1972)
Bull, René (1872-1942)
Bunbury, Sir Charles James Fox (1809-1886)
Burney, Edward Francis (1760-1848)
Burne-Jones, Edward (1833-1898)
Butler, Lady Elizabeth Southerden (1846-1933)
Campbell, John F (1885-1966)
Cantarini, Simone (Italian, 1612-1648)
Carline, Sydney William (1888–1929)
Carter, Frederick (1885-1967)
Cassanéa De Mondonville, Maximilien-Joseph (Paris, 1749 - Charenton, Saint-Maurice 1809)
Catlow, George Spawton (1855-1925)
Cazabon, Michel-Jean (1813–1888)
Charlton, George (1899-1979)
Chéron, Louis (1655–1725)
Chiesa, Giuseppe (Joseph) (Italian, 1728–1789)
Chisholm, Alexander (1792?–1847)
Cittadini, Alessandro (Italian 1820-1877)
Clarke, Henry Patrick "Harry" (1889-1931)
Clarkson, William Herbert (1872-1944)
Cole, John Vicat (1903-1975)
Collins, Arthur (early 20thc)
Collins, Charles (1851-1921)
Company School - India
Cooper, Thomas Sydney (1803-1902)
Cope, Charles West (1811-1890)
Corbellini, Luigi (1901-1968)
Cotman, John Sell (1782-1842)
Cox, David (1783-1859)
Cox, Ellen Louisa (1855-1934)
Craig, Edward Gordon (1872-1966)
Creswick, Thomas (1811-1869)
Cristall, Joshua (1767-1847)
Cruikshank, Isaac (1764-1811)
Cullen, Isaac (fl. 1881-1889)
Cumming, Constance Frederica “Eka” Gordon- (1837-1924)
Cumming, Peter (1916-1993)
Daly, Jehan (1918-2001)
Daniell, William (1769–1837)
Davies, Gordon (1926-2007)
Dayes, Edward (1763-1804)
Day, William (1764-1807)
Dening, Charles Frederick W. (c.1876-1953)
Denning, Stephen Poyntz (1795-1864)
De Jong, Pieter Josselin (Dutch, 1861-1906)
De Vries, Hans Vredeman (1526-c.1606/9)
De Wet, Hugh Oloff (1912-1975)
De Wint, Peter (1784-1849)
Dibdin, Thomas Coleman (1810-1893)
Dighton, Robert (1751-1814)
Dugdale, Thomas Cantrell (1880-1952)
D’Oyly, Mabell (Exh. 1932-37)
Farmer, Walter (1870-1947)
Fengmian, Lin (1900-1991)
Fenwick, Thomas (fl. 1835-1850)
Ferguson, James (Scottish, 1710-1776)
Fielding, Anthony Vandyke Copley (1787-1855)
Fitzgerald, John Anster (1819-1906)
Foweraker, Albert Moulton (1873-1942)
Fox, Caroline Amelia (1795-1868)
Fox, Lady Mary (née FitzClarence 1798-1864)
Français, François-Louis (1814–1897)
Francia, François Louis Thomas (1772–1839)
Franco, Giovanni Battista (1498-1561)
Frater, William Jock (Australian / 1890-1974)
Freeman, Miss Mary Winifred (1866-1961)
Friend, Washington F (Canadian, 1820–1886)
Fuseli, Henry (1741-1825)
Gaertner, Eduard (1801-1877)
Gardiner, E Mary (fl. 1935-1963)
Garnier, Victor Alexandre Humbert
Garstin, Alethea (1894-1978)
Gaskin, Arthur Joseph (1862-1928)
Geddes, Andrew (Scottish, 1783-1844)
Gere, Charles March (1869-1957)
Gigante, Giacinto (1806-1876)
Gill, Eric (1882-1940)
Gilpin, Sawrey (1733-1807)
Girtin, Thomas (1775-1802)
Glover, John (1767-1849)
Goodall, Frederick (1822-1904)
Goodwin, Albert (1845-1932)
Grant, Duncan (1885-1978)
Grassi, Raniero (Italian, 19th Century)
Greenaway, Kate (1846-1901)
Greenlees, James M. Robert (Scottish, 1820-1894)
Griffith, Moses (1747-1819)
Grigorjeff, Boris Dimitrevitch (1886-1939)
Haag, Carl (1820-1915)
Hallward, Reginald Francis (1858-1948)
Hall, Clifford (1904-1973)
Harding, James Duffield (1797-1863)
Hardy, Thomas Bush (1842-1897)
Hartley, Alfred (1855-1933)
Harvey, Viola Gertrude (1875-1954)
Harwood, John James. (1816-1872)
Hayter, Charles (1761-1835)
Hearne, Thomas (1744-1817)
Heath, Frank Gascoigne (1873-1936)
Heine, Thomas Theodor (1867-1948)
Helleu, Paul César (1859-1927)
Hemy, Charles Napier (1841-1917)
Henderson, Keith (1883-1982)
Hennessy, William John (Irish/American, 1839-1917)
Herdman, Robert Duddingstone (1863-1922)
Hillier, Matthew (b.1958-)
Hill, Francis (1917-1984/-?)
Hilton, William (1786-1839)
Hla, M.T. (U Tun Hla) - (1874-1946, Burmese.)
Hochecker, Franz (German, 1730-1782)
Hogarth, William (1697-1764)
Holden, Harold Henry (1885-1977)
Hollams, Florence Mabel Fox / née (1877-1963)
Holroyd, Lady Susan Harriet Harcourt, née (1829-94)
Hook, James Clarke (1819-1907)
Hopwell, Ruth Marjorie (1923-)
Horlor, George William (1849-1895)
Hubbard, Bennett (1806-1870)
Hubbard, Eric Hesketh (1892-1957)
Huggins, William John (1781-1845)
Hughes, Shirley (born 1927-)
Hunter, Lieutenant James (c.1755-1792)
Hunt, William Henry (1790-1864)
Jackson, Samuel (1794-1869)
Janvry, Henri de (French, 1768-1843)
Jenkins, Arthur Henry (1871-1940)
Jennings, Edgar Owen (1899-1985)
Jensen, Christian Albrecht (Danish / 1792-1870)
Johanson, Arvid Claes William (1862-1923)
Johnson, Ernest Borough (1866-1949)
Johnston, Arnrid (1895-1972)
Johnston, Graham (1869-1927)
John, Augustus Edwin (1878-1961)
Jones, Allan Gwynne (1892-1982)
Jones, Pelham (c.1890-c.1950)
Justyne, Percy William (1812–1883)
Kessler, Susanne Döring- (German, 1870-1937)
Kinnaird, Wiggs (1875-1915)
Kip, Johannes, /Jan Kip (Dutch / 1653-1722)
Knights, Winifred (1899-1947)
Knight, Edward Loxton (1905-1993)
Knight, Laura (1877-1970)
Kobell, Franz Innocenz Josef (German, 1749-1822)
Kobell, Wilhelm von (German, 1766-1853)
Lambourne, Nigel (1919-1998)
Landau, Noah (GB-NZ / 1936-2011)
Landseer, Sir Edwin Henry (1802-1873)
Lasinio, Conte Carlo (1759-1838)
Law, David (1831-1901)
Leech, John (1817-1864)
Leighton, Frederick (1830-1896)
Leitch, Richard Principal (1827-1882)
Lepère, Auguste Louis (French / 1849-1918)
Lessore, Thérèse (1884-1945)
Linnell, James Thomas (1820-1905)
Linnell, John (1792-1882)
Lipscombe, Guy (1881-1952)
Lips, Johanne Heinrich (Swiss / 1758-1817)
Lloyd, Reginald James (b.1926)
Lorrain, Claude (French / 1600-1682)
Lucas, William (1840-1895)
MacKinnon, Archibald (1850–1935)
Mackley, George Edward (1900-1983)
Maestri, Michelangelo (died c.1812)
Maguire, Helena J. (1860-1909)
Mahoney, Charles (1903-1968)
Marston, Reginald St.Clair (1886-1943)
Martens, Conrad (1801-1878)
Martin, John (1789-1854)
Marwick-Smith, Donald Henry (1892-1965)
Maxwell, Donald (1877-1936)
May, Phil (1864-1903)
McNab, Allan (1901-1982)
Mc Cance, William (1894-1970)
Mc Crossan, Mary (1863-1934)
Measom, Sir George Samuel (1818–1901)
Menpes, Mortimer (1855-1938)
Mercer, Frederick (1850-1939)
Meyer von Bremen, Johann Georg (1813–1886)
Millais, John Everett (1829-1896)
Millais, Raoul (1901-1999)
Millet, Frédéric (French, 1786-1859)
Mondy, E. (fl. 1871)
Monk, William (1863 -1937)
Moran, Thomas (1837-1926)
Morin, Edmond (1824-1882)
Moschetti, Alessandro (active, 1828-1860)
Müller, William James (1812-1845)
Muncaster, Claude (1903-1974)
Namcheong (Chinese, fl. 1840-1870)
Nash, John Northcote (1893-1977)
Natesan, M. D. (Bengal School, 1915-16)
Nelson, George Laurence (American 1887-1978)
Neyts, Gillis (Ghent 1623-1687 Antwerp)
Niakungitok, George (Inuit, b.?-d.1825)
Nisbet, Pollock Sinclair (Scottish, 1848-1922)
Nixon, John Colley (1755-1818)
Norden, Gerald (1912-2000)
Palmer, Samuel (1805-1881)
Pares, Ethel “Bip” (1904-1977)
Parker, Agnes Miller (1895-1980)
Paton, Sir Joseph Noel (1821-1901)
Pearson, George Henry (1919-2009)
Peiser, Kurt Lorein Victor (1887-1962)
Penn, Walter Edward (1881-1959)
Peter Sarson and Tony Bryan
Pether, Sebastian (London 1790-1844)
Petts, John (1914-1991)
Pickering, George (1794-1857)
Pike, Leonard (1887-1959)
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista (1720-1778)
Pond, Arthur (c.1705-1758)
Poole, Monica (1921-2003)
Prestel, Johann Erdmann Gottlieb, the Younger (1804-1885)
Prestel, Therese (1856-1921)
Preziosi, Count Amadeo (Maltese / 1816-1882)
Prince, Jean Baptiste Le (1734-1781)
Procter, Kenneth (1909-1999)
Pullinger, Diana (British, 1908-mid 1980s)
Pyne, James Baker (1800-1870)
Raemaekers, Louis (1869-1956)
Ramberg, Johann Heinrich (German, 1763-1840)
Raven-Hill, Leonard (1867-1942)
Raverat, Gwen (1885-1957)
Rawlins, Ethel Louise (c1880-1940)
Read, Harold Hope (1881-1959)
Read, Samuel (1815?-1883)
Reichenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig (German, 1793-1879)
Reid, Bill (1920-1988)
Rennie, Ita Phobie (Scottish, early 20th century)
Reynolds, Alan (1926-2014)
Rhead, Harry Woolliscroft, (1881-1950)
Rheam, Henry Meynell (1859-1920)
Richard, Jeanne (French, 1892 - ?)
Richmond, George (1809-1896)
Richmond, Sir William Blake (1842-1921)
Richmond, Thomas (1771-1837)
Riesener, Louis Antoine Léon (1808-1878)
Rimmington, Eric (1926-)
Rittun, Thorstein (Norway, 1929-2018)
Riviere, Hugh Goldwin (1869-1956)
Robertson, Henry (1848-1930)
Rooker, Michael Angelo (1746-1801)
Rosenvinge, Olaf (1913-2004)
Rothenstein, Sir William (1872-1945)
Rowbotham, Thomas Leeson (1823-1875)
Rowlandson, George Derville (1861-1928)
Rudakov, Konstantin Ivanovich (Russian / 1891-1949)
Ruskin, John (1819-1900)
Sandby, Paul R.A. (1731-1809)
Sanson, Paul Ernest (French / 1836-1918)
Sant, James (1820-1916)
Schmid, David Alois (1791-1861)
Schotel, Petrus Johannes (Dutch 1808-1865)
Schuster, J.F. (Austrian, 19th Century)
Seale, Richard William (1732-1785)
Sergeant, A. M. Carolyn (née Cann. 1937-2018)
Sergeant, John (1937-2010)
Shannon, Sir James Jebusa (1862-1923)
Sharp, Dorothea (1874-1955)
Shayer, William (1787-1879)
Shields, Frederic James (1833-1911)
Shuttleworth, Brigadier Allen Robert Betham (1873-1935)
Sickert, Walter Richard (1860-1942)
Simmons, John (c.1823-1876)
Simpson, A. J. (c.1900)
Singry, Jean-Baptiste (1782-1824)
Small, William (1843-1929)
Smart, Douglas Ion (1879-1970)
Smetham, James (1821-1889)
Smith, John, Engraver (1652-1743)
Smythe, Edward Robert (1810-1899)
Snelling, Matthew (1621-1678)
Solomon, Solomon Joseph (1860-1927)
Southall, Joseph Edward (1861-1944)
Spencer, Sir Stanley (1891-1959)
Stanfield, Clarkson (1793-1867)
Stark, James (1794-1859)
Stocks, Arthur (1846-1889)
Stolle, Christian Peter Wilhelm (German / 1810-1887)
Stone, Paul Goadby (American: Savannah, Georgia / 1928-1976)
Strang, William (1859-1921)
Terry, Henry M (1879-1920)
Thelwall, Weymouth Birkbeck (1831-1878)
Thompson, Sir Henry, Bart (1820-1904)
Thomson, David (born aft. 1758 - d. 1815)
Thornton, Dr Robert John (1768-1837)
Topolski, Feliks RA (1907-1989)
Truman, Vera 1899-1956
Tucker, James Walker (1898-1972)
Tuke, Henry Scott (1858-1929)
Tute, George (b.1933-)
Tyck, Edward (1847-c.1922)
Valenciennes, Pierre Henri de (1750-1819)
Van Amstel, Cornelis Ploos (Dutch, 1726-1798)
Van Ryn, Rembrandt Harmensz (1606-1669)
Varley, Cornelius (1781-1873)
Varley, John (1778-1842)
Vernet, Émile Jean Horace (1789-1863)
Verstijnen, Henri (Dutch / 1882-1940)
Vinkeles, Johannes (Dutch, 1783 - c.1814)
Visscher II, Cornelis (1629-1658)
Wain, Louis (1860-1939)
Walton, Henry (1745/6-1813)
Wardle, Arthur (1864-1949)
Ward, Charlotte (British, 20th century)
Warren, Bonomi Edward (British, b. c.1842-active 1860-1877)
Wells, John (1907-2000)
Wenlock, Lady Constance (1852-1932)
Werdenhoff, Erik August von (Swedish, 1864-1947)
Westhofen, Wilhelm/William (1842-1925)
Whistler, James Mc Neill (1834-1903)
White, Ellen (fl. 1905-35)
White, Ethelbert (1891-1972)
White, Peter (1929-2016)
Whymper, Charles H (1853-1941)
Wijngaerdt, Petrus Theodorus van (Dutch / 1816-1893)
Wilkie, Sir David (1785-1841)
Willson, John J. (fl.1875-1902)
Wilson, J. (Fantasy Artist / British, early c20th)
Wimperis, Edmund Morison (1835-1900)
Worth, Thomas (1834-1917)