John Sergeant – Reflections over a Portrait of Hubert Robert

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Black chalk on folded blue laid paper watermarked Ingres. Provenance: From the studio of the artist.


In 1994 John was commissioned to do a self-portrait from Katrin Bellinger, the London-based German art dealer and collector, who specialises in Old Master drawings. The commission was for a self-portrait which John cleverly did while incorporating a picture from Katrin’s own private collection. The picture is a framed portrait of Hubert Robert by the celebrated artist Jean Baptiste Isabey. John’s finished drawing shows the enlarged picture with his reflection next to the portrait of Hubert encased in the frame. In our preliminary study on offer, John has widened the view to include a further self-portrait in the bottom left corner of the large mirror.

This drawing is to be sold as found and was part of a collection of drawings and watercolours removed from the studio of John Sergeant in 2017. Unless otherwise stated this item is being offered unrestored and does not include a mount or a frame. Many of the works in the collection are in good condition as can be seen from the photos. A gallery label including provenance will accompany this item.

We offer the option to have this item mounted or if required to be treated by our paper conservator. This sometimes can take between 3 and 5 months, depending on the amount of work needed. Once the initial cost for the item has been paid and a quote for the extra work has been accepted then we will go ahead. The final payment will be required on completion of the work and before the item can be dispatched to the customer. Delivery is free within the UK.